マージソート(3): 高階関数呼び出し最適化




;; fixnum用の比較関数
(define-symbol-macro fixnum< (lambda (x y) (declare (fixnum x y)) (< x y)))

;;; fixnum< を使用した場合の処理時間
;;; 大量データのソート速度
;;; 100万要素のリストが対象
 (let* ((data (loop REPEAT 1000000 COLLECT (random 10000000)))
        (d1 (copy-seq data))
        (d2 (copy-seq data))
        (r1 (time (stable-sort d1 fixnum<)))
        (r2 (time (merge-sort:sort d2 fixnum<))))
   (equal r1 r2)))

Evaluation took:
  1.366 seconds of real time  ; stable-sort# 1.366秒 (前回 2.484秒)
  1.360085 seconds of total run time (1.360085 user, 0.000000 system)
  99.56% CPU
  2,723,515,890 processor cycles
  0 bytes consed
Evaluation took:
  0.541 seconds of real time  ; merge-sort:sort# 0.541秒 (前回 1.662秒)
  0.540034 seconds of total run time (0.540034 user, 0.000000 system)
  99.82% CPU
  1,079,254,874 processor cycles
  0 bytes consed
--> T




(defpackage merge-sort
  (:use common-lisp)
  (:shadow :common-lisp sort)
  (:export sort))
(in-package :merge-sort)

;; inline-sort関数とsort-impl関数がinline宣言に加わっている。前者は今回新たに追加される関数
(declaim (inline halve merge-lists inline-sort sort-impl)  
         (optimize (speed 3) (debug 0) (safety 0)))

(defun halve (n)
  (declare (fixnum n))
  (multiple-value-bind (n1 x) (floor n 2)
    (values (+ n1 x) n1)))

(defmacro cdr! (list new-cdr)
  `(setf (cdr ,list) ,new-cdr))

(defmacro multiple-value-let* (bind-specs &body body)
  (if (null bind-specs)
      `(locally ,@body)
    (destructuring-bind ((vars exp) . rest) bind-specs
      `(multiple-value-bind ,vars ,exp
         (multiple-value-let* ,rest ,@body)))))
(defun merge-lists (list1 list2 test key)
  (declare (function test key))
  (labels ((less-equal-than (list1 list2)  ; 安定ソートになるように比較方法が若干修正されている
             (not (funcall test (funcall key (car list2)) (funcall key (car list1)))))
           (recur (head tail l1 l2)
             (cond ((null l1)               (cdr! tail l2) head)
                   ((null l2)               (cdr! tail l1) head)
                   ((less-equal-than l1 l2) (recur head (cdr! tail l1) (cdr l1) l2))
                   (t                       (recur head (cdr! tail l2) l1 (cdr l2))))))
    (declare (inline less-equal-than))
    (if (less-equal-than list1 list2)
        (recur list1 list1 (cdr list1) list2)
      (recur list2 list2 list1 (cdr list2)))))


;; 前回は、sort-impl関数自体で再帰処理を行っていたのを、
;; 再帰部分をrecur関数に括り出すように修正。
;; これによって、sort-impl関数に対してinline宣言を行うことが可能になる。
;; sort-impl関数がinline展開可能となると、
;; inline-sort関数(後述) => sort-impl関数 => merge-lists関数、の
;; 全てがinline展開されるようになるため、
;; コンパイラが(inline-sort関数の引数で渡され)merge-lists関数内でfuncallされている
;; testとkeyの情報を知ることができるようになり、間接呼び出しを除去する等といった
;; 最適化が可能となる(と思っている)。
(defun sort-impl (list size test key)
  (labels ((recur (list size)
             (declare (fixnum size))
             (if (= 1 size)
                 (values list (prog1 (cdr list) (cdr! list nil)))
               (multiple-value-let* (((size1 size2) (halve size))
                                     ((list1 rest) (recur list size1))
                                     ((list2 rest) (recur rest size2)))
                 (values (merge-lists list1 list2 test key) rest)))))
    (recur list size)))

※ 単にsort関数をinline宣言するだけでも良いのだが、常に展開されるようになってしまうのも避けたかったの若干(無駄に)凝ってみた

;; inline引数を追加。これが真の場合は、inline展開される。
(defun sort (list test &key (key #'identity) inline)
  (declare (list list)
           (function test key)
           (ignore inline)
           (optimize (speed 3) (safety 2) (debug 2)))
  (when list
    (values (sort-impl list (length list) test key))))

;; sort関数のinline展開版。上でinline宣言されている以外は、sort関数と基本的に同様。
(defun inline-sort (list test &key (key #'identity))
  (declare (list list)
           (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (debug 0)))
  (when list
    (values (sort-impl list (length list) test key))))

;; sort関数のinline引数が真の場合に、(sort関数の代わりに)inline-sort関数を呼び出すためのコンパイラマクロ
(define-compiler-macro sort (&whole form list test &key (key '#'identity) inline)
  (if inline
      `(inline-sort ,list ,test :key ,key)




;;; 大量データのソート速度
;;; 100万要素のリストが対象
 (let* ((data (loop REPEAT 1000000 COLLECT (random 10000000)))
        (d1 (copy-seq data))
        (d2 (copy-seq data))
        (d3 (copy-seq data))
        (r1 (time (stable-sort d1 fixnum<)))
        (r2 (time (merge-sort:sort d2 fixnum<)))
        (r3 (time (merge-sort:sort d3 fixnum< :inline t)))) 
   (list (equal r1 r2)
         (equal r1 r3))))

Evaluation took:
  1.336 seconds of real time  ; stable-sort# 1.336秒
  1.332083 seconds of total run time (1.332083 user, 0.000000 system)
  99.70% CPU
  2,664,840,158 processor cycles
  0 bytes consed
Evaluation took:
  0.555 seconds of real time  ; merge-sort:sort# 0.555秒
  0.552034 seconds of total run time (0.552034 user, 0.000000 system)
  99.46% CPU
  1,107,829,062 processor cycles
  0 bytes consed
Evaluation took:
  0.382 seconds of real time  ; merge-sort:sort(inline)# 0.382秒
  0.376024 seconds of total run time (0.376024 user, 0.000000 system)
  98.43% CPU
  761,537,180 processor cycles
  0 bytes consed
--> (T T)

;;; 少量データのソート速度
;;; 平均50要素のリスト x 1万 が対象
 (let* ((data (loop REPEAT 10000 
                    COLLECT (loop REPEAT (random 100) 
                                  COLLECT (random 10000))))
        (d1 (copy-tree data))
        (d2 (copy-tree data))
        (d3 (copy-tree data))
        (r1 (time (loop FOR d IN d1 COLLECT (stable-sort d fixnum<))))
        (r2 (time (loop FOR d IN d2 COLLECT (merge-sort:sort d fixnum<))))
        (r3 (time (loop FOR d IN d3 COLLECT (merge-sort:sort d fixnum< :inline t)))))
   (list (equal r1 r2)
         (equal r1 r3))))

Evaluation took:
  0.072 seconds of real time ; stable-sort# 0.072秒
  0.072004 seconds of total run time (0.072004 user, 0.000000 system)
  100.00% CPU
  144,958,896 processor cycles
  327,680 bytes consed
Evaluation took:
  0.058 seconds of real time  ; merge-sort:sort# 0.058秒
  0.056003 seconds of total run time (0.056003 user, 0.000000 system)
  96.55% CPU
  116,927,902 processor cycles
  163,840 bytes consed
Evaluation took:
  0.036 seconds of real time   ; merge-sort:sort(inline)# 0.036秒
  0.032002 seconds of total run time (0.032002 user, 0.000000 system)
  88.89% CPU
  72,255,454 processor cycles
  163,840 bytes consed
--> (T T)


マージソート(2): 要素数が少ない部分リストの特別扱い




;;; 大量データのソート速度
;;; 100万要素のリストが対象
 (let* ((data (loop REPEAT 1000000 COLLECT (random 10000000)))
        (d1 (copy-seq data))
        (d2 (copy-seq data))
        (r1 (time (stable-sort d1 #'<)))
        (r2 (time (merge-sort:sort d2 #'<))))  ; 更新版: 実装は末尾に掲載
   (equal r1 r2)))

Evaluation took:
  2.542 seconds of real time  ; stable-sort# 2.542秒 (前回 2.484秒)
  2.536158 seconds of total run time (2.536158 user, 0.000000 system)
  99.76% CPU
  5,071,126,128 processor cycles
  0 bytes consed
Evaluation took:
  1.691 seconds of real time   ; merge-sort:sort# 1.691秒 (前回 1.662秒)
  1.688106 seconds of total run time (1.688106 user, 0.000000 system)
  99.82% CPU
  3,373,722,509 processor cycles
  0 bytes consed
--> T

;;; 少量データのソート速度
;;; 平均50要素のリスト x 1万 が対象
 (let* ((data (loop REPEAT 10000 
                    COLLECT (loop REPEAT (random 100) 
                                  COLLECT (random 10000))))
        (d1 (copy-tree data))
        (d2 (copy-tree data))
        (r1 (time (loop FOR d IN d1 COLLECT (stable-sort d #'<))))
        (r2 (time (loop FOR d IN d2 COLLECT (merge-sort:sort d #'<)))))
   (equal r1 r2)))

Evaluation took:
  0.207 seconds of real time  ; stable-sort# 0.207秒 (前回 0.204秒)
  0.204013 seconds of total run time (0.204013 user, 0.000000 system)
  98.55% CPU
  414,010,874 processor cycles
  327,680 bytes consed
Evaluation took:
  0.174 seconds of real time   ; merge-sort:sort# 0.174秒 (前回 0.176秒)
  0.172011 seconds of total run time (0.172011 user, 0.000000 system)
  98.85% CPU
  346,667,396 processor cycles
  163,840 bytes consed
--> T




(defpackage merge-sort
  (:use common-lisp)
  (:shadow :common-lisp sort)
  (:export sort))
(in-package :merge-sort)

(declaim (inline halve last! merge-lists less-equal-than
                 sort2 sort3 sort4 sort5)
         (optimize (speed 3) (debug 0) (safety 0)))

(defun halve (n)
  (declare (fixnum n))
  (multiple-value-bind (n1 x) (floor n 2)
    (values (+ n1 x) n1)))

(defmacro cdr! (list new-cdr)
  `(setf (cdr ,list) ,new-cdr))

(defun last! (list)
  (prog1 (cdr list) (cdr! list nil)))

(defmacro multiple-value-let* (bind-specs &body body)
  (if (null bind-specs)
      `(locally ,@body)
    (destructuring-bind ((vars exp) . rest) bind-specs
      `(multiple-value-bind ,vars ,exp
         (multiple-value-let* ,rest ,@body)))))
(defun less-equal-than (list1 list2 test key)
  (declare (function test key))
  (not (funcall test (funcall key (car list2)) (funcall key (car list1)))))

(defun merge-lists (list1 list2 test key)
  (declare (function test key))
  (labels ((recur (head tail l1 l2)
             (cond ((null l1) (cdr! tail l2) head)
                   ((null l2) (cdr! tail l1) head)
                   ((less-equal-than l1 l2 test key) 
                    (recur head (cdr! tail l1) (cdr l1) l2))
                    (recur head (cdr! tail l2) l1 (cdr l2))))))
    (if (less-equal-than list1 list2 test key)
        (recur list1 list1 (cdr list1) list2)
      (recur list2 list2 list1 (cdr list2)))))

(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
  (defun symb (&rest args)
    (intern (format nil "~{~a~}" args))))

(defun sort2 (list test key &aux (l1 list) (l2 (cdr list)))
  (unless (less-equal-than l1 l2 test key)
    (rotatef (car l1) (car l2)))
  (values l1 (last! l2)))

          ;; (vars (a b c) (list key)
          ;;   body)
          ;; =>
          ;; (let* ((a list)
          ;;        (b (cdr a))
          ;;        (c (cdr b)))
          ;;   (let ((_a (funcall key (car a)))
          ;;         (_b (funcall key (car b)))
          ;;         (_c (funcall key (car c))))
          ;;     body))
(macrolet ((vars (vars (list key) &body body)
             `(let* ,(loop FOR prev = nil THEN var
                           FOR var IN vars
                           FOR i fixnum FROM 0
                           COLLECT (if prev 
                                       `(,var (cdr ,prev))
                                     `(,var ,list)))
                (declare (function ,key))
                (let ,(loop FOR var IN vars
                            COLLECT `(,(symb '_ var) (funcall ,key (car ,var))))
           (swap-if-greater-than (x y test)
             `(unless (less-equal-than ,x ,y ,test #'identity)
                (rotatef (car ,x) (car ,y))
                (rotatef ,(symb '_ x) ,(symb '_ y)))))

  (defun sort3 (list test key)
    (vars (a b c) (list key)
      (swap-if-greater-than a c test)
      (swap-if-greater-than a b test)
      (swap-if-greater-than b c test)
      (values a (last! c))))
  (defun sort4 (list test key)
    (vars (a b c d) (list key)
      (swap-if-greater-than a c test)
      (swap-if-greater-than b d test)
      (swap-if-greater-than a b test)
      (swap-if-greater-than c d test)
      (swap-if-greater-than b c test)
      (values a (last! d))))

  (defun sort5 (list test key)
    (vars (a b c d e) (list key)
      (swap-if-greater-than a b test)
      (swap-if-greater-than d e test)
      (swap-if-greater-than a c test)
      (swap-if-greater-than b c test)
      (swap-if-greater-than a d test)
      (swap-if-greater-than c d test)
      (swap-if-greater-than b e test)
      (swap-if-greater-than b c test)
      (swap-if-greater-than d e test)
      (values a (last! e)))))

(defun sort-impl (list size test key)
  (declare (fixnum size))
  (case size
    (5 (sort5 list test key))
    (4 (sort4 list test key))
    (3 (sort3 list test key))
     (multiple-value-let* (((size1 size2) (halve size))
                           ((list1 rest) (sort-impl list size1 test key))
                           ((list2 rest) (sort-impl rest size2 test key)))
       (values (merge-lists list1 list2 test key) rest)))))

(defun sort (list test &key (key #'identity) &aux (size (length list)))
  (declare (list list)
           (function test key)
           (optimize (speed 3) (safety 2) (debug 2)))
  (case size
    ((0 1) list)
     (values (sort2 list test key)))
     (values (sort-impl list size test key)))))




;;;; SBCL-1.0.51 (x86-64)
(defpackage merge-sort
  (:use common-lisp)
  (:shadow :common-lisp sort)
  (:export sort))
(in-package :merge-sort)

(declaim (inline halve merge-lists)
         (optimize (speed 3) (debug 0) (safety 0)))


;; 整数nを二分割する関数
;; => (values n1 n2)
;; nが奇数の場合は (= (1+ n1) n2) となる
(defun halve (n)
  (declare (fixnum n))
  (multiple-value-bind (n1 x) (floor n 2)
    (values (+ n1 x) n1)))

;; listのcdr部を更新するマクロ
(defmacro cdr! (list new-cdr)
  `(setf (cdr ,list) ,new-cdr))

;; 複数のmultiple-value-bindの使用を簡略化するためのマクロ
;; (multiple-value-let* (((a b) (values 1 2))
;;                       ((c d) (values 3 4)))
;;   (list a b c d))
;; =>
;; (multiple-value-bind (a b) (values 1 2)
;;    (multiple-value-bind (c d) (values 3 4)
;;        (list a b c d)))
(defmacro multiple-value-let* (bind-specs &body body)
  (if (null bind-specs)
      `(locally ,@body)
    (destructuring-bind ((vars exp) . rest) bind-specs
      `(multiple-value-bind ,vars ,exp
         (multiple-value-let* ,rest ,@body)))))


;; list1とlist2をマージしたリストを返す
(defun merge-lists (list1 list2 test key)
  (declare (function test key))
  (labels ((not-less-than (l1 l2)
             (not (funcall test (funcall key (car l1)) (funcall key (car l2))))) ; XXX: これでは安定ソートにならない!
           (recur (head tail l1 l2)
             (cond ((null l1)             (cdr! tail l2) head)
                   ((null l2)             (cdr! tail l1) head)
                   ((not-less-than l1 l2) (recur head (cdr! tail l2) l1 (cdr l2)))
                   (t                     (recur head (cdr! tail l1) (cdr l1) l2)))))
    (declare (inline not-less-than))
    (if (not-less-than list1 list2)
        (recur list2 list2 list1 (cdr list2))
      (recur list1 list1 (cdr list1) list2))))

;; マージソート
;; => (values ソート済みリスト=(subseq list 0 size) 
;;            未ソートリスト=(subseq list size))
(defun sort-impl (list size test key)
  (declare (fixnum size))
  (if (= 1 size)
      (values list (prog1 (cdr list) (cdr! list nil)))
    (multiple-value-let* (((size1 size2) (halve size))
                          ((list1 rest) (sort-impl list size1 test key))
                          ((list2 rest) (sort-impl rest size2 test key)))
      (values (merge-lists list1 list2 test key) rest))))

;; 公開用の関数: listが空でなければ、sort-implに処理を任せる
(defun sort (list test &key (key #'identity))
  (declare (list list)
           (function test key)
           (optimize (speed 3) (safety 2) (debug 2)))
  (when list
    (values (sort-impl list (length list) test key))))




;;; 大量データのソート速度
;;; 100万要素のリストが対象
 (let* ((data (loop REPEAT 1000000 COLLECT (random 10000000)))
        (d1 (copy-seq data))
        (d2 (copy-seq data))
        (r1 (time (stable-sort d1 #'<)))
        (r2 (time (merge-sort:sort d2 #'<))))
   (equal r1 r2))) ; ソート結果が正しいかの確認

Evaluation took:
  2.484 seconds of real time   ; stable-sort# 2.484秒
  2.476154 seconds of total run time (2.368148 user, 0.108006 system)
  99.68% CPU
  4,955,234,522 processor cycles
  0 bytes consed
Evaluation took:
  1.662 seconds of real time   ; merge-sort:sort# 1.662秒
  1.652103 seconds of total run time (1.592099 user, 0.060004 system)
  99.40% CPU
  3,315,393,750 processor cycles
  0 bytes consed
--> T  ; ソート結果は正しい

;;; 少量データのソート速度
;;; 平均50要素のリスト x 1万 が対象
 (let* ((data (loop REPEAT 10000 
                    COLLECT (loop REPEAT (random 100) 
                                  COLLECT (random 10000))))
        (d1 (copy-tree data))
        (d2 (copy-tree data))
        (r1 (time (loop FOR d IN d1 COLLECT (stable-sort d #'<))))
        (r2 (time (loop FOR d IN d2 COLLECT (merge-sort:sort d #'<)))))
   (equal r1 r2)))

Evaluation took:
  0.204 seconds of real time  ; stable-sort# 0.204秒
  0.204012 seconds of total run time (0.204012 user, 0.000000 system)
  100.00% CPU
  407,272,146 processor cycles
  294,912 bytes consed
Evaluation took:
  0.176 seconds of real time  ; merge-sort:sort# 0.176秒
  0.172010 seconds of total run time (0.172010 user, 0.000000 system)
  97.73% CPU
  351,409,803 processor cycles
  163,840 bytes consed
--> T




;; 計時用関数
(defun compare-time (fn nums1 nums2)
  (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (debug 0))
           (function fn))
    (loop FOR n1 fixnum IN nums1
          FOR n2 fixnum IN nums2
          WHEN (funcall fn n1 n2)
          SUM 1)))

;; fixnum用の=関数
(declaim (inline fixnum=))
(defun fixnum= (a b)
  (declare (fixnum a b)
           (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (debug 0)))
  (= a b))

;; データ
(defparameter *nums1* (loop REPEAT 10000000 COLLECT (random 1000000)))
(defparameter *nums2* (loop REPEAT 10000000 COLLECT (random 1000000)))
;;;; 比較
;; =関数
(compare-time #'= *nums1* *nums2*)
Evaluation took:
  1.312 seconds of real time
  1.300000 seconds of total run time (1.300000 user, 0.000000 system)
  99.09% CPU
  2,616,703,170 processor cycles
  0 bytes consed
==> 12

;; fixnum=関数
(compare-time #'fixnum= *nums1* *nums2*)
Evaluation took:
  0.367 seconds of real time
  0.350000 seconds of total run time (0.320000 user, 0.030000 system)
  95.37% CPU
  732,105,438 processor cycles
  0 bytes consed
==> 12

;; eql関数
(compare-time #'eql *nums1* *nums2*)
Evaluation took:
  0.202 seconds of real time
  0.190000 seconds of total run time (0.190000 user, 0.000000 system)
  94.06% CPU
  403,706,880 processor cycles
  0 bytes consed



;; =
  (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (debug 0)))
  (loop FOR n1 fixnum IN *nums1*
        FOR n2 fixnum IN *nums2*
        WHEN (= n1 n2)
        SUM 1)))
Evaluation took:
  0.074 seconds of real time
  0.080000 seconds of total run time (0.080000 user, 0.000000 system)
  108.11% CPU
  147,692,292 processor cycles
  0 bytes consed
==> 12

;; fixnum=
  (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (debug 0)))
  (loop FOR n1 fixnum IN *nums1*
        FOR n2 fixnum IN *nums2*
        WHEN (fixnum= n1 n2)
        SUM 1)))
Evaluation took:
  0.299 seconds of real time
  0.300000 seconds of total run time (0.300000 user, 0.000000 system)
  100.33% CPU
  595,071,324 processor cycles
  0 bytes consed
==> 12

;; eql
  (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (debug 0)))
  (loop FOR n1 fixnum IN *nums1*
        FOR n2 fixnum IN *nums2*
        WHEN (eql n1 n2)
        SUM 1)))
Evaluation took:
  0.076 seconds of real time
  0.070000 seconds of total run time (0.070000 user, 0.000000 system)
  92.11% CPU
  150,384,648 processor cycles
  0 bytes consed
==> 12



(defun c-inspect (&key include type value)       
  (flet ((gen-source ()
           (with-output-to-string (out)
             (format out "~&#include <iostream>~%")
             (dolist (inc include)
               (format out "~&#include <~a>~%" inc))

             (format out "~%int main() {~%")
             (dolist (ty type)
               (format out "  std::cout << \"sizeof(~a) = \" << sizeof(~a) << std::endl;~%" ty ty))

             (dolist (val value)
               (format out "  std::cout << \"~a = \" << ~a << std::endl;~%" val val))
             (format out "}~%"))))
    ;; 定数や型の情報を出力するためのC++ソースを生成
    (with-input-from-string (in (gen-source))
      ;; 生成したソースをコンパイル 
      (let ((ret (sb-ext:run-program "g++" `("-x" "c++" "-" "-o" "/tmp/c.inspect.tmp")
                                     :search t :input in :output t)))
        ;; コンパイルに成功しているなら、コマンドを実行
        (when (zerop (sb-ext:process-exit-code ret))
          (sb-ext:run-program "/tmp/c.inspect.tmp" '() :output t)))))


> (c-inspect :type '("int" "unsigned long" "void *") :value '("NULL"))
sizeof(int) = 4
sizeof(unsigned long) = 8
sizeof(void *) = 8
NULL = 0

> (c-inspect :include '("sys/socket.h") :value '("PF_UNIX" "SO_ACCEPTCONN" "SO_ERROR"))

;; エラー
> (c-inspect :type '("undefined_type"))
<stdin>: In function ‘int main()’:
<stdin>:4: error: ‘undefined_type’ was not declared in this scope


Forthでハノイの塔 - sileの日記ハノイの塔を解くcommon lispプログラムを載せたら「inline宣言を付けるともっと早くなりますよ」というコメントを頂いたので試してみた。



;; sbcl-1.0.49(linux/64bit)
> sb-ext:*inline-expansion-limit*
--> 200 

;; inline宣言
(declaim (inline hanoi-impl))

;; 前回定義したhanoi-impl関数とhanoi関数を再コンパイル 
;; (*inline-expansion-limit*を越えました、という長いメッセージが出力される)
;; ... 略 ...

;; 実行
> (time (hanoi 'a 'b 'c 25))
Evaluation took:
  0.271 seconds of real time   ; 約 2.7 秒
  0.270000 seconds of total run time (0.270000 user, 0.000000 system)
  99.63% CPU
  541,031,826 processor cycles
  0 bytes consed
--> (:COUNT 33554431)



;; inline宣言
(declaim (inline hanoi))

;; hanoi関数を再コンパイル 
;; ... 略 ...

;; 実行
> (time (hanoi 'a 'b 'c 25))   ; 実行時にinline展開される
;; (*inline-expansion-limit*を越えました、という長いメッセージが出力される)
Evaluation took:
  0.169 seconds of real time  ; 約 0.17 秒
  0.170000 seconds of total run time (0.170000 user, 0.000000 system)
  100.59% CPU
  337,858,167 processor cycles
  0 bytes consed
--> (:COUNT 33554431)



;; 実行時のinline展開時間も含めて図ってみる
> (get-internal-real-time) (hanoi 'a 'b 'c 25) (get-internal-real-time) (- * ***)
--> 304455 ; 開始時間
--> (:COUNT 33554431)
--> 304730 ; 終了時間
--> 275    ; 終了 - 開始 = 0.275 秒



common lisp
common lisp
common lisp
0.168s3.359s0.190s0.403s0.271s0.169s (0.275s*1 )





ついでにcommon lispC++でも実装し、Forthとの処理速度を比較してみた。
common lispの処理系にはSBCLを、Forthの処理系にはgforth及びVFX-Forthを使用した



\ gforth-0.7.0 (linux/64bit)
\ Forth版のハノイの塔

variable cnt             \ 再帰呼び出しの数をカウント用の変数

: hanoi-print ( to from -- to from )
    cr 2dup . ." -> " . ;

: hanoi-impl ( to tmp from level -- to tmp from )
    dup >r 0> if
        rot swap r@ 1- recurse                   ( tmp to from )
        cnt @ 1+ cnt ! 
        ( hanoi-print 計時用にコメントアウト )   ( tmp to from )
        rot r@ 1- recurse                        ( to from tmp )
        swap                                     ( to tmp from )
    r> drop ;

: hanoi ( to tmp from level -- )
    0 cnt !                      \ カウント初期化
    hanoi-impl drop drop drop
    cr ." count: " cnt @ . cr ;  \ 再帰数表示


$ gforth      # shellからgforthコマンドを起動
1 2 3 3 hanoi 
3 -> 1 
3 -> 2 
1 -> 2 
3 -> 1 
2 -> 3 
2 -> 1 
3 -> 1 
count: 7 


$ gforth-fast   # 高速版のコマンドを使用する

\ 計時用のワードを定義
: time ( word_pointer -- )
    utime drop >r
    utime drop r> - 1000 / ." elapsed " . ." ms " cr ;

\ 計時
1 2 3 25 ' hanoi time
count: 33554431 
elapsed 3359 ms  \ 結果: 3.34秒


VFX-ForthはネイティブコードタイプのForth実装(? 不確か)。

# VFX-Forth-4.43 (linux/32bit ?)
$ vfxlin

\ 計時用のワードを定義
: time ( word_pointer -- )
    ticks >r
    ticks r> - ." elapsed " . ." ms " cr ;

\ 計時
1 2 3 25 ' hanoi time
count: 33554431 
elapsed 190 ms   \ 結果: 0.19秒

common lispでの実装(SBCL)


;;;; sbcl-1.0.49 (linux/64bit)

;; 関数定義
(defvar *count*)

(defun hanoi-impl (from tmp to level)
  (declare (fixnum level)
           (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (debug 0))
           (sb-ext:unmuffle-conditions sb-ext:compiler-note))
  (when (plusp level)
    (hanoi-impl from to tmp (1- level))
    (incf (the fixnum *count*))     ; (format t "~&~a => ~a~%" from to)
    (hanoi-impl tmp from to (1- level))))

(defun hanoi (from tmp to level)
  (let ((*count* 0))
    (hanoi-impl from tmp to level)
    `(:count ,*count*)))

;; 計時
(time (hanoi 'a 'b 'c 25))

Evaluation took:
  0.403 seconds of real time   ; 結果: 0.40秒
  0.390000 seconds of total run time (0.390000 user, 0.000000 system)
  96.77% CPU
  804,338,623 processor cycles
  0 bytes consed
(:COUNT 33554431)



/*  ファイル名: hanoi.cc
 *  コンパイル: g++ -O3 -o hanoi hanoi.cc
 *  バージョン: gcc-4.4.3 (linux/64bit)
#include <iostream>

int count;

void hanoi(int from, int tmp, int to, int level) {
  if(level > 0) {
    hanoi(from, to, tmp, level-1);
    hanoi(tmp, from, to, level-1);

int main() {
  hanoi(1, 2, 3, 25);
  std::cout << "count: " << count << std::endl;
  return 0;

コンパイル & 実行。

$ g++ -O3 -o hanoi hanoi.cc
$ time ./hanoi 
count: 33554431

real	0m0.168s  # 結果: 0.17秒
user	0m0.170s
sys	0m0.000s

Forthも処理系によっては、C++と同程度の速度がでるみたい。※ 雑な比較なので正確なところは分からないけど・・・

おまけ: 末尾再帰 => ループ変換 版


variable cnt 

: 3dup ( a b c -- a b c a b c )
    dup 2over rot ;

: hanoi-impl ( to tmp from level -- )
    begin dup >r 0> while
            rot swap 3dup r@ 1- recurse ( tmp to from )
            cnt @ 1+ cnt !
            rot r> 1-                   ( to from tmp )
    r> drop drop drop drop ;

: hanoi ( to tmp from level -- )
    0 cnt !                      
    cr ." count: " cnt @ . cr ; 
