今週は、common lispでループ処理を関数型っぽく、かつ効率良く実装できるかどうかを試していたので、その結果を載せておく。
シーケンス(or 無限シーケンス)とmapとかfilterとかを組み合わせてループを表現する。
;; 1から5までの数値を表示する > (loop:each (lambda (n) (print n)) (loop:from 1 :to 5)) 1 2 3 4 5 => NIL > (loop:from 1 :to 5) => #<CLOSURE (LAMBDA () :IN LOOP:FROM) {10030E0E0B}> ; 実態はクロージャー ;; マッピング > (loop:collect (loop:map (lambda (c) (list c (char-code c))) (loop:for-string "mapping"))) => ((#\m 109) (#\a 97) (#\p 112) (#\p 112) (#\i 105) (#\n 110) (#\g 103)) ;; フィルター > (loop:collect (loop:filter #'oddp (loop:from 1 :to 10))) -> (1 3 5 7 9) ;;; fizzbuzz > (defun fizzbuzz-seq () (loop:filter #'consp (loop:map (lambda (n) (cond ((zerop (mod n 15)) (cons n :fizzbuzz)) ((zerop (mod n 5)) (cons n :buzz)) ((zerop (mod n 3)) (cons n :fizz)) (t nil))) (loop:from 1)))) ;; 先頭三つ > (loop:collect (loop:take 3 (fizzbuzz-seq))) => ((3 . :FIZZ) (5 . :BUZZ) (6 . :FIZZ)) ;; 10から12番目 > (loop:collect (loop:take 2 (loop:drop 10 (fizzbuzz-seq)))) => ((24 . :FIZZ) (25 . :BUZZ)) ;; 100以下かつ偶数のものだけ > (loop:collect (loop:take-while (lambda (x) (<= (car x) 100)) (loop:filter (lambda (x) (evenp (car x))) (fizzbuzz-seq)))) => ((6 . :FIZZ) (10 . :BUZZ) (12 . :FIZZ) (18 . :FIZZ) (20 . :BUZZ) (24 . :FIZZ) (30 . :FIZZBUZZ) (36 . :FIZZ) (40 . :BUZZ) (42 . :FIZZ) (48 . :FIZZ) (50 . :BUZZ) (54 . :FIZZ) (60 . :FIZZBUZZ) (66 . :FIZZ) (70 . :BUZZ) (72 . :FIZZ) (78 . :FIZZ) (80 . :BUZZ) (84 . :FIZZ) (90 . :FIZZBUZZ) ;; zip > (loop:collect (loop:take 3 (loop:map-n 3 (lambda (x y z) (list x y z)) ; zipと組み合わせる場合は XXX-n 系のマクロを使用して、引数の数を指定する (loop:zip (loop:filter #'oddp (loop:from 1)) (loop:down-from 100 :by 3) (loop:map #'sqrt (loop:repeat (lambda () (random 1000)))))))) => ((1 100 19.078785) (3 97 19.052559) (5 94 16.309507)) ;; フィボナッチ数列を定義 (defun fib-seq () (let ((n+1 1)) (declare (fixnum n+1)) (loop:make-generator :init (lambda () 0) ; 初期値生成関数 :next (lambda (n) (prog1 n+1 (incf n+1 n))) ; 値更新関数 :end? (lambda (n) (declare (ignore n)) nil)))) ; 終端判定関数 > (loop:collect (loop:take 20 (fib-seq))) => (0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 610 987 1597 2584 4181)
比較1: sum関数 (単純なループ)
;; 準備 (defparameter *fastest* '(optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (debug 0) (compilation-speed 0))) (defparameter *note* '(sb-ext:unmuffle-conditions sb-ext:compiler-note)) ;; loopパッケージ版 (defun sum1 (start end) (declare (fixnum start end) #.*fastest* #.*note*) (loop:reduce (lambda (acc x) (the fixnum (+ acc x))) 0 (loop:from start :to end))) ;; loopマクロ版 (defun sum2 (start end) (declare (fixnum start end) #.*fastest* #.*note*) (loop WITH total fixnum = 0 FOR i FROM start TO end DO (incf total i) FINALLY (return total))) ; (loop ... SUM i) では最適化されない部分があるので、少し長くなるけどこちらを採用 ;; do版 (defun sum3 (start end) (declare (fixnum start end) #.*fastest* #.*note*) (let ((total 0)) (declare (fixnum total)) (do ((i start (1+ i))) ((> i end) total) (incf total i)))) ;; 実行 > (time (sum1 1 100000000)) ; loopパッケージ版: 0.084秒 Evaluation took: 0.084 seconds of real time 0.084006 seconds of total run time (0.084006 user, 0.000000 system) 100.00% CPU 167,231,593 processor cycles 0 bytes consed => 5000000050000000 > (time (sum2 1 100000000)) ; loopマクロ版: 0.086秒 Evaluation took: 0.086 seconds of real time 0.088005 seconds of total run time (0.088005 user, 0.000000 system) 102.33% CPU 171,410,077 processor cycles 0 bytes consed => 5000000050000000 > (time (sum3 1 100000000)) ; do版: 0.083秒 Evaluation took: 0.083 seconds of real time 0.084005 seconds of total run time (0.084005 user, 0.000000 system) 101.20% CPU 166,793,649 processor cycles 0 bytes consed => 5000000050000000
比較2: 数値リストの奇数番目の要素の平均値を求める (zipを使ったループ)
;; データ準備: 1000万要素のリスト (defparameter *list* (loop REPEAT 10000000 COLLECT (random 100000))) ;; loopパッケージ版 (defun avg1 (list) (declare #.*fastest* #.*note*) (flet ((average (sequence) ; シーケンスの生成と平均値を求める処理を分離することが可能 (let ((total 0) (count 0)) (declare (fixnum total count)) (loop:each (lambda (n) (incf total n) (incf count)) sequence) (float (/ total count))))) (let ((seq (loop:map-n 2 (lambda (_ n) n) (loop:filter-n 2 (lambda (i _) (oddp i)) (loop:zip (loop:from 0 :to most-positive-fixnum) (loop:for-list list :element-type fixnum)))))) (average seq)))) ;; loopマクロ版 (defun avg2 (list) (declare #.*fastest* #.*note*) (loop WITH total fixnum = 0 WITH count fixnum = 0 FOR i fixnum FROM 0 FOR n fixnum IN list WHEN (oddp i) DO (incf total n) (incf count) FINALLY (return (float (/ total count))))) ;; do版 (defun avg3 (list) (declare #.*fastest* #.*note*) (let ((total 0) (count 0)) (declare (fixnum total count)) (do ((i 0 (1+ i)) (head list (cdr head))) ((endp head)) (declare (fixnum i)) (when (oddp i) (incf count) (incf total (the fixnum (car head))))) (float (/ total count)))) ;; 実行 > (time (avg1 *list*)) ; loopパッケージ版: 0.084秒 Evaluation took: 0.084 seconds of real time 0.084005 seconds of total run time (0.084005 user, 0.000000 system) 100.00% CPU 166,739,958 processor cycles 0 bytes consed => 50003.64 > (time (avg2 *list*)) ; loopマクロ版: 0.036秒 Evaluation took: 0.036 seconds of real time 0.036002 seconds of total run time (0.036002 user, 0.000000 system) 100.00% CPU 72,645,764 processor cycles 0 bytes consed => 50003.64 > (time (avg3 *list*)) ; do版: 0.037秒 Evaluation took: 0.037 seconds of real time 0.040003 seconds of total run time (0.040003 user, 0.000000 system) 108.11% CPU 75,246,648 processor cycles 0 bytes consed => 50003.64
比較3: 比較2での、平均値算出部分と奇数番要素のフィルタ部分を、別関数に分けた場合
;; loopマクロで、平均値算出部分と奇数番要素のフィルタ部分を、別関数に分けた場合 (declaim (inline average-list)) (defun average-list (list) (declare #.*fastest* #.*note*) (loop WITH total fixnum = 0 WITH count fixnum = 0 FOR n fixnum IN list DO (incf total n) (incf count) FINALLY (return (float (/ total count))))) (declaim (inline filter-list)) (defun filter-list (list) (declare #.*fastest* #.*note*) (loop FOR i fixnum FROM 0 FOR x IN list WHEN (oddp i) COLLECT x)) > (time (average-list (filter-list *list*))) Evaluation took: 0.122 seconds of real time ; 全体で0.122秒、GC抜きなら0.081秒 0.120008 seconds of total run time (0.120008 user, 0.000000 system) [ Run times consist of 0.040 seconds GC time, and 0.081 seconds non-GC time. ] 98.36% CPU 244,986,221 processor cycles 79,986,688 bytes consed => 50003.64 ;; do版 ;; ※ loopマクロ版とほとんど変わらないので省略 ;; loopパッケージで、平均値算出部分と奇数番要素のフィルタ部分を、別関数に分けた場合 (declaim (inline average-loop)) (defun average-loop (sequence) (declare #.*fastest* #.*note*) (let ((total 0) (count 0)) (declare (fixnum total count)) (loop:each (lambda (n) (incf total (the fixnum n)) (incf count)) sequence) (float (/ total count)))) (declaim (inline filter-loop)) (defun filter-loop (list) (declare #.*fastest* #.*note*) (loop:map-n 2 (lambda (_ n) n) (loop:filter-n 2 (lambda (i _) (oddp i)) (loop:zip (loop:from 0 :to most-positive-fixnum) (loop:for-list list :element-type fixnum))))) > (time (average-loop (filter-loop *list*))) Evaluation took: 0.070 seconds of real time ; 0.070秒 0.072005 seconds of total run time (0.072005 user, 0.000000 system) 102.86% CPU 139,856,631 processor cycles 0 bytes consed => 50003.64 ;; loopパッケージでinline宣言を外した場合 (declaim (notinline average-loop)) (declaim (notinline filter-loop)) > (time (average-loop (filter-loop *list*))) Evaluation took: 0.378 seconds of real time ; 0.378秒 0.376024 seconds of total run time (0.376024 user, 0.000000 system) 99.47% CPU 754,498,049 processor cycles 0 bytes consed => 50003.64