マージソート(2): 要素数が少ない部分リストの特別扱い




;;; 大量データのソート速度
;;; 100万要素のリストが対象
 (let* ((data (loop REPEAT 1000000 COLLECT (random 10000000)))
        (d1 (copy-seq data))
        (d2 (copy-seq data))
        (r1 (time (stable-sort d1 #'<)))
        (r2 (time (merge-sort:sort d2 #'<))))  ; 更新版: 実装は末尾に掲載
   (equal r1 r2)))

Evaluation took:
  2.542 seconds of real time  ; stable-sort# 2.542秒 (前回 2.484秒)
  2.536158 seconds of total run time (2.536158 user, 0.000000 system)
  99.76% CPU
  5,071,126,128 processor cycles
  0 bytes consed
Evaluation took:
  1.691 seconds of real time   ; merge-sort:sort# 1.691秒 (前回 1.662秒)
  1.688106 seconds of total run time (1.688106 user, 0.000000 system)
  99.82% CPU
  3,373,722,509 processor cycles
  0 bytes consed
--> T

;;; 少量データのソート速度
;;; 平均50要素のリスト x 1万 が対象
 (let* ((data (loop REPEAT 10000 
                    COLLECT (loop REPEAT (random 100) 
                                  COLLECT (random 10000))))
        (d1 (copy-tree data))
        (d2 (copy-tree data))
        (r1 (time (loop FOR d IN d1 COLLECT (stable-sort d #'<))))
        (r2 (time (loop FOR d IN d2 COLLECT (merge-sort:sort d #'<)))))
   (equal r1 r2)))

Evaluation took:
  0.207 seconds of real time  ; stable-sort# 0.207秒 (前回 0.204秒)
  0.204013 seconds of total run time (0.204013 user, 0.000000 system)
  98.55% CPU
  414,010,874 processor cycles
  327,680 bytes consed
Evaluation took:
  0.174 seconds of real time   ; merge-sort:sort# 0.174秒 (前回 0.176秒)
  0.172011 seconds of total run time (0.172011 user, 0.000000 system)
  98.85% CPU
  346,667,396 processor cycles
  163,840 bytes consed
--> T




(defpackage merge-sort
  (:use common-lisp)
  (:shadow :common-lisp sort)
  (:export sort))
(in-package :merge-sort)

(declaim (inline halve last! merge-lists less-equal-than
                 sort2 sort3 sort4 sort5)
         (optimize (speed 3) (debug 0) (safety 0)))

(defun halve (n)
  (declare (fixnum n))
  (multiple-value-bind (n1 x) (floor n 2)
    (values (+ n1 x) n1)))

(defmacro cdr! (list new-cdr)
  `(setf (cdr ,list) ,new-cdr))

(defun last! (list)
  (prog1 (cdr list) (cdr! list nil)))

(defmacro multiple-value-let* (bind-specs &body body)
  (if (null bind-specs)
      `(locally ,@body)
    (destructuring-bind ((vars exp) . rest) bind-specs
      `(multiple-value-bind ,vars ,exp
         (multiple-value-let* ,rest ,@body)))))
(defun less-equal-than (list1 list2 test key)
  (declare (function test key))
  (not (funcall test (funcall key (car list2)) (funcall key (car list1)))))

(defun merge-lists (list1 list2 test key)
  (declare (function test key))
  (labels ((recur (head tail l1 l2)
             (cond ((null l1) (cdr! tail l2) head)
                   ((null l2) (cdr! tail l1) head)
                   ((less-equal-than l1 l2 test key) 
                    (recur head (cdr! tail l1) (cdr l1) l2))
                    (recur head (cdr! tail l2) l1 (cdr l2))))))
    (if (less-equal-than list1 list2 test key)
        (recur list1 list1 (cdr list1) list2)
      (recur list2 list2 list1 (cdr list2)))))

(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
  (defun symb (&rest args)
    (intern (format nil "~{~a~}" args))))

(defun sort2 (list test key &aux (l1 list) (l2 (cdr list)))
  (unless (less-equal-than l1 l2 test key)
    (rotatef (car l1) (car l2)))
  (values l1 (last! l2)))

          ;; (vars (a b c) (list key)
          ;;   body)
          ;; =>
          ;; (let* ((a list)
          ;;        (b (cdr a))
          ;;        (c (cdr b)))
          ;;   (let ((_a (funcall key (car a)))
          ;;         (_b (funcall key (car b)))
          ;;         (_c (funcall key (car c))))
          ;;     body))
(macrolet ((vars (vars (list key) &body body)
             `(let* ,(loop FOR prev = nil THEN var
                           FOR var IN vars
                           FOR i fixnum FROM 0
                           COLLECT (if prev 
                                       `(,var (cdr ,prev))
                                     `(,var ,list)))
                (declare (function ,key))
                (let ,(loop FOR var IN vars
                            COLLECT `(,(symb '_ var) (funcall ,key (car ,var))))
           (swap-if-greater-than (x y test)
             `(unless (less-equal-than ,x ,y ,test #'identity)
                (rotatef (car ,x) (car ,y))
                (rotatef ,(symb '_ x) ,(symb '_ y)))))

  (defun sort3 (list test key)
    (vars (a b c) (list key)
      (swap-if-greater-than a c test)
      (swap-if-greater-than a b test)
      (swap-if-greater-than b c test)
      (values a (last! c))))
  (defun sort4 (list test key)
    (vars (a b c d) (list key)
      (swap-if-greater-than a c test)
      (swap-if-greater-than b d test)
      (swap-if-greater-than a b test)
      (swap-if-greater-than c d test)
      (swap-if-greater-than b c test)
      (values a (last! d))))

  (defun sort5 (list test key)
    (vars (a b c d e) (list key)
      (swap-if-greater-than a b test)
      (swap-if-greater-than d e test)
      (swap-if-greater-than a c test)
      (swap-if-greater-than b c test)
      (swap-if-greater-than a d test)
      (swap-if-greater-than c d test)
      (swap-if-greater-than b e test)
      (swap-if-greater-than b c test)
      (swap-if-greater-than d e test)
      (values a (last! e)))))

(defun sort-impl (list size test key)
  (declare (fixnum size))
  (case size
    (5 (sort5 list test key))
    (4 (sort4 list test key))
    (3 (sort3 list test key))
     (multiple-value-let* (((size1 size2) (halve size))
                           ((list1 rest) (sort-impl list size1 test key))
                           ((list2 rest) (sort-impl rest size2 test key)))
       (values (merge-lists list1 list2 test key) rest)))))

(defun sort (list test &key (key #'identity) &aux (size (length list)))
  (declare (list list)
           (function test key)
           (optimize (speed 3) (safety 2) (debug 2)))
  (case size
    ((0 1) list)
     (values (sort2 list test key)))
     (values (sort-impl list size test key)))))
